
Best Digital Payments And Online Money Transfer Services

People in India have adopted digital Payments in place of cash transactions surprisingly faster than in other countries, digital payment has made online payments safe and easy.

Through an E-Wallet service, we can now do mobile recharge, hotel bills, or any additional digital payment easily, India is rapidly moving toward becoming a cashless economy through E-Wallet service.

Although there are many wallet services in the market today,

The best service, the Paydeer wallet service has registered rapid growth in the market today. Today’s article will learn about the Paydeer service E-wallet in detail and how the E-wallet service benefits retailers.

What Is The Paydeer Wallet Digital Payment Service?

Paydeer e-Wallet is a digital wallet that the retailer can use for various electronic transactions, Through Paydeer digital Payment Wallet service, retailers can provide AEPS, money transfer, mobile and DTH recharge, and bill payment facility to the customers and take cash, Paydeer retailers can also earn an excellent commission for providing these services.

Types Of Paydeer Wallet Services

There are two types of Paydeer wallet services

1. AEPS Wallet: Paydeer Retailers can transfer up to Rs.10,000 through AEPS Wallet, The retailer can use Paydeer AEPS Wallet by taking cash and depositing it in their account through their AEPS Wallet, If a customer wants to withdraw his money, he can take up Rs10000 from his account in his AEPS Wallet and pay the customer in cash.

2. Main Wallet: Paydeer Main Wallet is used to pay Retailer Recharge services, Bill Payment Services, Ticket Booking Service, E-Tax services, Loan services, and other services. Retailers can easily do digital Payments and payments through the Main Wallet. Incentives are also given to retailers to keep money in the main Wallet.

Benefits Of Paydeer Wallet

1. You can Pay for many online services

2. No need to keep cash

3. There is no need for a debit card, credit card, etc to make a digital Payment.

4. 24/7 digital Payment facility

5. Attractive Incentives/Commission

6. Quick payment

7. Easy to process

How Does Paydeer Wallet work?

The Paydeer Wallet service contains all the retailer’s details and is given a Wallet Id. All the retailer’s information is verified; only then are they provided with the Wallet ID, this Id is unique to each retailer. The retailer can easily make all types of digital payments securely.

For Which Wallet Service The Paydeer Retailer Can Be Used?

Paydeer provides many services to their customers in the city and especially in rural areas to meet their banking and financial needs. Retailers can use Paydeer Wallet Service for the following services.

1. Recharge and Bill Payment Service: Paydeer Retailer Wallet can be used to pay for Mobile, Broadband, and Dish recharge, apart from electricity bills, water bills, gas bills, and LIC payments.

The retailer can take cash payments from the customer and pay through his Wallet service for these facilities. They also get a good commission from this service.

2. Ticket Booking: Retailers can book rail, bus, and train tickets for the customer using Paydeer Wallet, Customers can also book hotel rooms anywhere in the country and earn a good commission.

3. Loan & Finance: Paydeer Wallet can be used for digital Payment of loans, insurance, and many other services.

4. Money Transfer: Retailers can provide money transfer services to customers using Wallet.

5. E-Tax Service: Retailers can make a digital Payment for E-Tax service using Wallet.

How To Get A Paydeer Wallet ID?

The facility of Paydeer Wallet ID is available for retailers, Wallet service is provided with banking and financial services, To get this, any shopkeeper who has a fixed-size shop can register, If someone wants to start a new business, he can work as a mini banker by providing banking and financial services with Paydeer.

The registration process is straightforward. Anyone can apply by visiting the retailer portal easily or you can also know the registration process by talking about the numbers on the website.